Discord membership options
7 day trial

Access to stock market master class
Access to daily stock market trade alerts
Access to daily stock watchlist
Access to option trading chatrooms
Access to trade with us in Realtime via discord voice & text
Access to stock market master class
Access to daily stock market trade alerts
Access to daily stock watchlist
Access to option trading chatrooms
Access to trade with us in Realtime via discord voice & text
Premarket zoom- to go over what we're looking
Daily levels
Access to the finance building section
100 + hours of learning material.
$20 for 7 days

Access to stock market master class
Access to daily stock market trade alerts
Access to daily stock watchlist
Access to option trading chatrooms
Access to trade with me us in Realtime via discord voice & text
daily levels
swing levels
Premarket zoom- to go over what we're looking at
Access to the finance building section
Free Books
Free 1 on 1 classes
100 + hours of learning material.
Options trading
Options trading
$20/7 day trial
Options trading + all exclusive